Quick Solutions and Helpful Insights for Magical Make an Offer

Discover answers to common questions about the Magical Make an Offer app for Shopify and solutions to issues merchants encounter.

Table of contents

Installed the app before September 27, 2023?

If you installed the app before September 27, 2023 and have not contacted the Magical Apps team to upgrade to the “Magical Make an Offer” version of the app, your store is using “Make an Offer v1“, the previous version of the app.

For FAQs and solutions to issues with the legacy version of the app, please refer to these pages or contact our team:

Read “Make an Offer v1” FAQs

To upgrade to Magical Make an Offer for free, please contact the Magical Apps team.

About Magical Make an Offer

Can I change the style of Make an Offer on my Online Store?

Yes. You can customize the style settings of the Make an Offer to match your theme in the App embed settings.

Read Instructions

Can I change the text on the Make an Offer blocks and components?

Yes. You can change the text on the Make an Offer blocks and components that display on your Online Store.

Read Instructions

Can customers make an offer on an order?

Yes. Customers can make an offer an order if you enable an order rule on your store.

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Can I allow customers to pay what they want?

Yes. You can enable an option that allows customers to pay below or above the product price.

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Can customers counter a merchants offer?

Yes. Merchants have the ability to mark counter offers as Final or Open. If the offer is marked as Open, customers can continuously submit offers. If the offer is marked as Final, the customer will not be given the opportunity to counter.

Can I get discounted Make an Offer transaction fees?

Yes. You can switch to a plan that has a monthly fee and offers discounted transaction fees.

Read Instructions

Can I remove the terms of service checkbox?

Yes. You can remove the GDPR/Terms of service checkbox from the offer modal and inline form.

Read Instructions

How long do counter-offered customers have to wait if they do not want to accept the counter and instead want to make a brand new offer?

24 hours.

Can I add Make an Offer to custom pages on my store?

It is not currently possible to add Magical Make an Offer functionality to custom pages in Shopify. Make an Offer can only be added to Product pages or the Cart page on the online store.

Can I translate the front end if everything is displayed in English, but my store’s language is set to another language?

Magical Make an Offer can translate the core elements of the app to match your store’s language settings in either English or German.

The front end, including button labels and key text, can be updated from the Settings tab in the menu of the app. You can also translate email templates from the app settings as well.

It’s important to note that these settings only allow for customization in one language at a time and do not support multiple languages simultaneously.

What features does Magical Make an Offer include in each plan?


Unlimited OffersYesYesYes
Offers on ProductsYesYesYes
Conditions : Specific ProductsYesYesYes
Conditions : Specific CollectionsYesYesYes
Conditions : Product TypeYesYesYes
Conditions : Option NameYesYesYes
Conditions : Option ValueYesYesYes
Automatically Accept and Decline OffersYesYesYes
Automatically Counter OffersYesYesYes
Merchant Counter OffersYesYesYes
Customer Counter OffersYesYesYes
Final OffersYesYesYes
Quantity OffersYesYesYes
Custom FieldsYesYesYes
Active/Draft StatusYesYesYes
Offer Expiration SettingsYesYesYes
$0 offersYesYesYes
Display Option : ButtonYesYesYes
Display Option : BannerYesYesYes
Display Option : InlineYesYesYes
Enable Offers Above Product PriceYesYesYes
Disable Offers Below Product PriceYesYesYes
Exit Intent Pop-up ModalYesYesYes
Automatically Show ModalYesYesYes
Custom Notification Templates with Dynamic ContentYesYesYes
Return to Default Notification Templates ButtonYesYesYes
Offer Requests Filtering : StatusYesYesYes
Offer Requests Filtering : DateYesYesYes
Analytics Calendar Period SelectorYesYesYes
Style Customization (Font, Size, Colour)YesYesYes
Default Text CustomizationYesYesYes
Terms of Service CheckboxYesYesYes
Customize Sender Name and Email*YesYesYes
Offers on Orders/CartYesYesYes
Embedded App in the Shopify AdminYesYesYes

*This feature requires an active account with SendGrid which you can create for free here.


Commission (Paid Orders Only)Low*Very Low*No commission

*See the app listing for the commission value associated with each plan.


Do merchants receive email notifications about offers?

Yes. You will receive an email notification from make an offer anytime an offer is accepted, countered or requires review. You will not receive notifications if the offer is automatically declined.

Are merchant email notifications editable?

No. The message content and recipients are not currently editable.

What email are merchant notifications sent to?

The store email address. This cannot be customized currently.

Can I customize the emails that are sent to customers?

Yes. You can customize the emails that are automatically sent to customers when they make an offer request on your Online Store.

Read Instructions

Can I customize the emails sent to customers when I accept, decline or counter an offer?

Yes. You can customize the Email subject and Email body to send personalized messages to customers.

Read Instructions

Custom Sender Email

Can I change the sender email for emails sent to customers?

Yes. You can change the sender email by leveraging SendGrid.

Read Instructions

How do I set up an account with SendGrid?

You can set up a free account with SendGrid by following these steps.

  • Click Start for free button on SendGrids homepage https://sendgrid.com
  • Enter a user name and password.
  • Verify your email.
  • Verify phone number.
  • Save recovery code.
  • Find the Finish account setup and click on Authenticate domain.
  • Follow the setup instructions to fit your specific requirements.
  • Add the required records to your selected DNS section.
  • Verify DNS records.

Where do I find my SendGrid API key?

If you have an account with SendGrid then follow these steps, if not follow How do I set up an account with SendGrid? steps.

  • Click API keys in the lefthand sub-menu in the Settings section in SendGrid.
  • Click Create api key.
  • Choose a name and select Permissions.
  • Click Create & view.
  • Important: copy the Api key token somewhere safe and secure.

Can I prompt customers with suggested offer amounts?

Yes. You can activate suggested offer amounts in the offer settings.

Read Instructions

Can I display the expiration date to the customers?

Yes. You can select and display an expiration date for your offers. It will show as a countdown when offers are accepted or countered.

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If a customer makes an offer on multiple pieces at a time, will they be able to add all of them to their cart in one transaction?

No, for product offers, only the associated product will show in the checkout. If there are multiple offers on different products, the customer will be sent multiple checkout links.

However you can also set up an order offer where customers will be able to make an offer on entire orders (in the cart). To do this, when setting up a new Rule, under Conditions, select “Order” under Offer Type.

App Install & Setup Instructions

Read the setup instructions to learn how to activate or deactivate the app embed block, add additional app blocks and create, edit, or delete an offer.

Read Install & Setup Instructions

Free Setup & Support

If you have not found the answer you are looking for, please contact the Magical Apps team and one of our friendly experts will be happy to answer your question for you.

Magical Make an Offer

Use the Magical Make an Offer app to sell more products. Easily add Make an Offer and Pay What you Want buttons to products.