Comprehensive Guide to Frequently Asked Questions About SEO Doctor Shopify App

Improving your Shopify store’s SEO is crucial for driving organic traffic and boosting sales. With SEO Doctor, you can easily identify and fix SEO issues to improve your store’s search engine ranking. This guide answers frequently asked questions to help you make the most of this powerful app.

Discover answers to common questions about the SEO Doctor app for Shopify and solutions to issues merchants encounter.

About SEO Doctor

How long does it take for Autopilot to update my products?

Once you activate a plan that includes Autopilot it will begin processing your products. It takes about 1 minute per product for Autopilot to fix the issues that it can. It will generate the SEO data based on your available product data.

In some cases it may not be able to generate the SEO data, for example if your product does not have a description it cannot generate a SEO description.

How long does it take to sync my products?

As soon as you install the app the product sync will start. It takes about 10 minutes to sync 100 products. If your sync is taking longer than expected, please contact us and we would be happy to look into your sync progress.

Why are my pages not being indexed by Google?

There are a number of reasons why Google might not have indexed all your pages. In most cases you just need to give Google more time to fully index your website.

But if you have waited for 3-4 weeks and all your pages are not fully indexed, you can investigate further by typing into the Google search bar. Give or take, is the number of results returned close to the amount of pages on your site?

If there’s a huge gap in the numbers then there might be a problem. Do the following:

  1. Read what Google has to say about the issue here.
  2. Make sure the pages not being indexed have proper meta titles and meta descriptions.
  3. Make use you are using high quality images and also you have set alt text for your images.
  4. Make sure the content on the page is more than 150 words and not duplicated. Content is king with SEO.
  5. Make sure the pages not being indexed are mobile friendly and load relatively fast. Test for mobile friendliness here and test your website’s speed here. If it is not loading fast, one you can try is compressing images on the page.
  6. Once you have verified and resolved all the above, send a reconsideration request to Google. Click here.

Can image renaming be done automatically?

No. Image renaming must be done manually.

I’ve saved changes to my meta title and description, but strange characters appear when I refresh the page. How do I remove them?

This may be because your meta title or meta description includes single quotes (this character: ‘). Using single quotes will produce an error in the app.

If your meta title or meta description is using a single quote character, try removing it and saving again.

Can you ignore draft or archived products from the overall score in the dashboard?

No. There is no current functionality that allows you to ignore or filter out draft or archive products from the overall score that you see in the dashboard. 

Do you support multiple languages?

No. SEO Doctor does not currently support multiple languages. 

What is the difference between the plans?

The SEO Doctor app for Shopify has four different plans. Customers can choose the tier that best suits their needs and budget.

The different plans and the pricing tiers are based on the number of products that can be audited and the level of automation provided. The higher-tier plans allow for auditing more products and offer automatic fixes, with the Enterprise plan offering the highest product limit. 

To summarize, the four plans and their key features are:

Free – Manual

This plan is free of charge and allows you to audit up to 50 products manually. It includes manual optimization for meta titles, meta descriptions, image compression, image alt-text, and fixing broken links.

Basic – Automated

This plan lets you audit up to 1000 products. It offers automatic fixes for issues found during the audit (limited to 1000 products). It also provides image renaming as a service. View pricing here.

Pro – Automated

This plan allows you to audit up to 5000 products. Like the Basic plan, it offers automatic fixes for audit issues (limited to 5000 products) and includes image renaming. View pricing here.


This premium plan offers the highest level of service. It permits the audit of up to 50000 products with automatic fixes for issues found during the audit. Image renaming is also included as part of this plan. View pricing here.

What features does SEO Doctor include in each plan?


FeatureFree – ManualBasic – Automated Pro – AutomatedEnterprise
Meta Title OptimizationYesYesYesYes
Meta Description OptimizationYesYesYesYes
Image CompressionYesYesYesYes
Image Alt-textYesYesYesYes
Fix Broken LinksYesYesYesYes
Keyword SuggestionsYesYesYesYes
Guided Checklist to Correct SEO Issues ManuallyYesYesYesYes
Overall Dynamic SEO ScoreYesYesYesYes
Product Search FieldYesYesYesYes
Product Sorting by SEO ScoreYesYesYesYes


FeatureFree – ManualBasic – Automated Pro – AutomatedEnterprise
Rename ImagesNoYesYesYes
Set rules to fix issues in bulk on autopilotNoYesYesYes
Number of Products to Audit501000500050,000

App Install & Setup Instructions

Read the setup instructions to learn how to fix issues on your store, use SEO tools, autopilot, and more.

Read Install & Setup Instructions

Free Setup & Support

If you have not found the answer you are looking for, please contact the Magical Apps team and one of our friendly experts will be happy to answer your question for you.

SEO Doctor

Use the SEO Doctor for Search Engines app for access SEO tools to audit and optimize your store on autopilot. Improve your search ranking and sell more.